Photodigm DBR Laser Diodes ranging 730-1100 nm

(972) 235-7584




DBR Laser Diode

Chip Architecture:

High Power $3,750


80 mW

- 240 mW


Mode Hop Free (MHF) +$700


Chip on Submount (CoS)


The 935 nm DBR Series of high-performance edge-emitting laser diodes are based on Photodigm’s advanced monolithic single-frequency Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) based laser technology. It provides a single spatial mode beam and has passivated facets for reliability. The 935 nm Series DBR devices are used in atomic spectroscopy for ytterbium-based (Yb) applications.

Chip Architecture Description

This laser diode is based on Photodigm's proprietary Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) design. It is augmented by the High Power laser diode architecture, a product designed to push the limits of power, offering maximized output power while retaining spectral stability. Power output is between 80-240 mW

Package Add-on description:

Chip on submount (CoS) is the most fundamental packaging option offered. The laser diode sits on a 2.8x3.8x0.5 mm^3 metallized submount. They are the perfect platform for designing your own package around and creative engineering. The Mode-Hop Free (MHF) add-on is ideal for applications where tunability is critical, removing the mode-hops for consistent power and wavelength tuning by controlling current.

PRICE: $4,450.00

935 nm single-frequency DBR High Power Chip Architecture ($3750) with output power of 80-240 mW, Mode Hop Free Mounting (+$700), chip on submount, for a total unit cost of $4450


Contact us for your custom quote, special frequency selection, and certification to certain atomic absorption lines. Contact us for product availability, more information on volume discounts, and any questions!

Contact us for: 935DBRH-MHF-CS