Photodigm DBR Laser Diodes ranging 730-1100 nm

Expanding Connection with Bell Collaborative

The hottest part of Photodigm’s laser-focused summer

The team at Photodigm has been traveling and relaxing this summer … even though some of the travel has been for work and relaxing has not meant resting on our laurels.

With a laser-focus on company growth and outreach, we traveled across Europe to meet with new customers and distributors in several countries, including England, Germany, France and Finland. We then wrapped our summer business travels the third week of August at the SPIE Optics & Photonics conference in San Diego, and also made visits to Southern California-based companies and plans for participation with the Optical Society of Southern California.

We are proud to be a global leader of single spatial and longitudinal mode DBR laser diodes and to be helping lead the world’s photonics revolution from our U.S. headquarters.

But the world is big place to navigate, so we have aligned with marketing partner Bell Collaborative , a consultancy deeply integrated in the dynamic landscape of optics, photonics, imaging, and laser. The markets served by Bell include space, defense, medical, and life sciences.

Bell Collaborative provides strategic business development, steered by an accomplished team of visionaries, marketers, and patent-holding engineers. The team, led by founder and CEO Lisa Belodoff, has been making connections and introductions for Photodigm, telling the story of our groundbreaking technology and how our innovations truly enhance life, and even save lives.

Lisa and her Bell Optics Concierge team also travel the globe and they understand that finding good lasers, sources, and diodes in the semiconductor space can be challenging, especially in the United States.

At the Optics & Photonics conference, we were introduced to several companies with whom we can partner. We also were connected with new, promising startups.

With Bell as our growth partner, Photodigm is excited to explore endless innovative collaborations, with many new productive partnerships already in progress.

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